
  • Establish the Design practice. From building and leading Design teams, to codifying the processes and cross functional relationships that help Designers thrive.

  • Marry core user value, product vision, and business goals.

  • Start-up experience in Consumer and Enterprise

  • Direct and execute all aspects of Product Design, including concept development, UX, visual design, usability and integrating these practices into agile dev processes.

I get excited about...

Helping people: It's one of the reasons I like design. As designers we are able to positively impact a lot of people and make them feel good about the interactions, and subsequently the relationships they have with the applications, products, businesses, and each other. 

Products that venture into uncharted territory:  I love building products, big challenges, new market categories, and new technologies.

Design that plays offense: I think design can make a meaningful impact in product differentiation. To not take advantage of that opportunity, is to fail to make design relevant to the business.

Working with smart people: That means I like hearing new ideas and different perspectives. Creating an environment that unleashes creativity. I like the free flowing of ideas. I like debate. I like dissent. I like it even though it's harder than working with others of like-mind, because it helps the best ideas emerge.

Mentoring people: I was blessed, during my education, and my early career to work with people who believed in me, and helped me find my way, and my voice. Now that I'm in a position to help, I like paying it forward.

When I’m not working

I love improving my drawing, reading stories, and occasionally sewing.

Let’s work together